I now have my anoles in a split 96 gal tank...60gal is for my 3 anoles, and the other 36 is for my crested gecko until he grows a little bigger. I have a small self-built fish tank inside each side, which they love...the anoles really do not go near it, but the gecko for some reason goes swimming with the fish...really cute.
not yet, because i lost my camera, but i do have my cell that takes really good pics...but it is a bluetooth thing...not sure exactly how to get pics from it to the computer...hopefully will soon though
dude that would be so cool. little fish in wthi the anoles... i was wondering y u had a 96 for anoles! lol
no...there is a crap load of real/fake plants on either side of the glass between the anoles and gecko...and there is also black mesh covering the glass on either side....so they cannot see each other. and yeas, i did build it