Hi, I have just gotten my anoles today. A Green and a Bahaman(SP)... They are both doing well. Both ate about 4 Crickets and are moving around the tank. Now onto the questions... Am I going to need to mist the tank? If so when. Is a UV lamp a good heat sorce? Would a basking lamp be better? Do I need a heat pad? Is Repti Bark a good bottem thing????? Thanks!!
1) Yes you need to mist the tank. Twice daily. That is how your anoles drink and it keeps the humidity up in your tank. 2) You are going to need an incandescent light bulb (you can buy them at any pet store or some people use regular house lights). That will provide your anoles with a heat source. You will also need a uva/uvb flourescent light. 3) No you don't need a heat pad. 4) Repti-bark is fine, Although I use "lizard carpet". It is easier to clean up and doesn't smell as bad.