Agressive turtle

Discussion in 'Turtles' started by 4-LOM, Sep 12, 2010.

  1. 4-LOM

    4-LOM New Member

    Hello, i currently have several turtltes and am having an issue with our male.

    We have 1 large red eared slider female, one small male red eared slider, and 1 large female painted. The three have been living outside in our pond all summer and get alog very well, however for the winter we broguht them into our indoor pond (larger then our outdoor) and introduced them to our 2 other femals, one small red eared slider, and one small ouchita map. Within seconds our male was doing the arm fan infront of the small red eared slider then proceded to chase her around bitting her shell, we emediatly took the male out and the 4 femals are so far getting along just fine (well the small red eared slider femal is very curious and follows teh others around alot).

    Is the aggressive actions of our male something to worry about? should we keep him seperated? or are they natural mating and dominance behaviours that we should just let run there course. The pond itself is around 200galls maybe more (i dont have an exact number on it) with a fairly large basking area with a reptiglo 5 sun bulb. I am assuming the space is not the issue as we moved them to a larger pond but maybe it is with the 5 turtles togther isntead of just the 3.

    Any insights or help would be appreciated, we would love to keep all 5 turtles together in the large pond as aposed to moveing some to a tank.


    (We also have 2 other small males that we keep seperated as our male i talked about here was very aggressive with them when we put them all together, we assumed that was a male dominance issue so kept them seperated).

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