i was lookin at the pics of anoles and they look exactly like the "lizards"in my yard.i dont know if they are the same bt if so why would anyone buy them if you can get them in your backyard???
They are the same ones in your yard. However most herpers do not keep wild caught animals. They just don't do well in captivity. Plus they tend to carry parasites, which leads to high vet bills.
sktr021, they live in southern reigion of the U.S. but far north where they dont live, petstores will tend to sell them more there. also cheriT3719, the anoles at petco and petsmart were probabably in someones backyard at one time. why pay someone decent money for captive bred's when you can pay someone a 1/4 of that for a handfull of wild caught ones. and also some reptiles at reptile shows are wild caught animals. i got a nigerean uro that was wild caught and its doing great now. it took it a minute to get used to it but it did.