im going to be getting a 10-13g crested gecko...... i wanna put it in a critter keeper but hear there hard to keep humidity but what size cage should i get for the baby so i dont have to keep buuyying bigger and bigger as he grows
Well, you can get a cheap 10G that you can use for something else-even crickets-later. There's also 5.5G's and I saw a 5.5G at PetSmart that was cheap and acrylic(sort of plasticy)it came with a screen top to that would be good for a light, where with the plastic ones-they can be hard to heat, though you can still put UTH's on them. It's good your getting one!!!
I've never kept cresties..and I don't know how bug he is from the grams you gave-I'de need to know length if you know. The one I sawe at PetSamrt would prob be really good, since it had height too-and how long are you planning on keeping him in the small one until the big one?
shanna hes still a baby they get to be i think 46 grams as adults? but would a 10g be fine for the baby to grow up in it?
I think a 10G would be pretty nice for a baby, if that's what your getting. I'm not sure about what they said about how the one you want is big, but if it is-you should get the bigger tank for it. If you have to wait a few months-a small tank like that would be good temporarily
Jacob! How are you doing?! So glad you are making plans for your new little guy! Are you still working harder at school and keeping the grades going up - and your parents happy? You don't want to blow it now that you are so close! Got a name picked out for it yet?
they dont have to be fully grown before they go into the big tank, just make sure he isnt a tiny baby and she should be ok since your tank is only the 18in cube. if your really worried though then housing him in a 10gal will be fine
I agree with Shanna, if he's already 10-13 grams you can put him in the large cage right away. If he was a hatching (~3grams) then I would say you can put him in a 6qt steralite tub for a couple months, but he should be good to go in the big cage
im good! we gotta talk in the chat soon and yesterday i got a 10g for it and sunday im going to the reptile show to get one im thinking about the name peaches and yes grades are still up parents are happy cant wait hit me up all of us gotta chat soon!
Cool that your going to a reptile show!!!! I went to my 1st one a few months ago and am going to another one this weekend with my friend They are really cool-have you been to one before? and you'll find a bunch or products/reptiles there that are awesome!
So, did you get an 18x18x18 tank? and cool that it's your 1st time!!! You'll love it I'm sure! I'm going tmmrw with a friend and can't wait! I'm posting pics and if you can, you should too!
nope a 10g tank heres a picture of it¤t=ee57e4df.jpg
got the gecko today!!! its a halloween with a pinstripe beautiful so dark with a orange bottom and a beautiful orange top
Nice setup! and awesome you got her today!!! Make sure to post pics-she sounds amazing! Today, I was at the reptile show and saw-also was holding-a crestie and the seller was telling me they can spend pretty much thir whole lives in a 10 or 20G, though height is prefered, but as long as they have a bunch of plants and vines to climb-they're pretty good! I might want to get one someday, but already have enough to handle now-plus a snkae I plan on getting soon. They're pretty jumpy! lol Especially the babies! Well, I hope you and her do great!
Jacob! I am so very happy for you! Your hard work at school has paid off. Always remember that your efforts at doing well in school will always pay off in good things -and can change your whole life - besides making your parents a lot happier. Give your new gecko a bit of love from all of us. We are glad she has found a good home. And yes, we want baby pictures. Did you decide on the name? It should probably be something to do with how hard you worked to change things in regards to your school work in order to be able to get him. Sharon here is my photobucket album the pics are on it