BIG Lizard Suggestions

Discussion in 'General Lizards' started by Frost_Wraith, Aug 13, 2004.

  1. Frost_Wraith

    Frost_Wraith New Member

    As I've kind of mentioned in other posts of mine. I've recently gotten a 20 gal terrarium and I have as of yet decided what exactly to put in it. I've thought about an african fat-tailed to tree frogs to a corn snake.

    Then an idea struck me, my local PetCo tends to sell larger animals, but when they are younger. (Juvinile water dragons, juvinile iguanas, juvinile boas ect.) I could use the 20 gal as a starter home for a larger animal while I construct its larger perminate home. (see, their still little and it will give me at least a couple of months to get it's full sized home up and running. For a bit I was considering getting a boa or ball python. I ran the idea by my mom and she went off on her "I'll take all the lizards in the world but there is no snake in this house" rant. So a snake is out. But I began thinking of large lizards such as monitors and iguanas.

    So this is my question. What sort of big lizard would be most appropriate for me? I'm not a novice anymore (not an *expert*) but not qutie advanced. I've been looking at a savannah monitor, water dragons, and iguanas. Would any of those be appropriate? Or none? Or is there a large lizard besides these you would suggest?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. stormyva

    stormyva Well-Known Member

    savannah monitor or you might take a look at one of the ackies... like the red ackie.
    Stay away from petco though... you wont be entirely sure what you are getting there.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. felstorm

    felstorm Embryo

    Yeah. Petco is a hit and miss on animals. Some take good care of their animals, others are worse than Flukers.

    Bearded Dragons are a pretty safe bet. They get like 2 feet long. Great personalities. Omnivorous, easier to take car of than some other critters.

    Uromastyx, and water dragons are about the same.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. herpslave

    herpslave Member

    Some monitors eat pinkies. What size cage do you plan on making for your iguana, monitor, or water dragon. Just to make sure your actually ready for either of them.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. Frost_Wraith

    Frost_Wraith New Member

    Yeah I've noticed that the PetCos seem to vary on how well they care for thier animals. I've been to three seperate ones and I've noticed differences in all three. I mentioned PetCo because the one closest to me takes good care of thier animals. When I see the animal enclosures they are always clean, water is availible. Food is periodically given as needed. Animals that like to hide have a hide space, animals who gotta climb have plants to climb on, animals who like ot soak up water have an extra big water dish. When I go I see employees will take time and walk by the herp section to make sure everyones at the proper temp and humidty. No one looks too thin, or sick. Point is, this PetCo takes care of thier critters and I trust them. AND the only alternative to them is two other PetCo's I don't trust as much or a mom and pop operation that I really don't trust.

    Anyways, I'm liking the look of a bearded dragon more and more, its big but not *huge* so thier enclosure won't take up half my room when they get bigger. And since I'm about innermediate level keeper I would be at about thier level.

    Oh, and whats wrong with Fluker's?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. laxman

    laxman New Member

    i say go with the iguana because my uncle has one and they have really good personality and you can usually take them out of their tank and carry them on your shoulder or with your hands almost like a snake. I know cause i do it all the time when im at my uncles house
  12. iturbott

    iturbott Embryo

    I would reccomend a Bearded Dragon or a water dragon, Asian or Australian as they do not get too large and have reasonable temperaments.
    An Iguana gets large and needs a lot of attention and not all are friendly, I have one that is a dream come true and the other is whipping me all of the time, he is young and will learn, but only with lots of attention.
    Avoid the pet stores and if you must get one, go through an adoption site or a reputable breeder.
    The stores may look like they know what they are doing, but most of the products they sell are not good for your little friend.
  13. KLiK

    KLiK Well-Known Member

    you are wrong. never go with an iguana just because you want a big lizard unless you are expierenced enough with reptiles. and just because your uncles is tame doesnt mean they all are and no they do not have a good personality unless they are handled regularly, and even with regular handling you can get an iguana that just hates people completely.
  14. herpslave

    herpslave Member

    maybey you can buy a herp online thats small. leos and aft's are pretty popular on internet selling.
  15. Slizarus

    Slizarus New Member

    He never said go with it because they are large, it was merely a suggestion. Ultimately it would be Frost's decision, and hopefully his reasoning is that because it gets big.

    If you want a lizard with mild tempers, gets large but still holdable, go with a Savanna monitor, but please be sure you can care for it while it's an adult, though most adults top out at 4' they can get as large as 6' and you should be able to keep yours comfortably. If you wanted a large lizard because it'd be big enough to hold and show off
    (Like I have more than once, you don't get noticed toting your cute little leopard gecko) please forget that.. it's not wise to show any animal off especially a sav or any Varanid other than ackies and in the chance you have a highly tamed tree monitor,
    a Savanna is a large animal and if it wants to it will get out of hand and even if you're only in the prescence of a whole Herp society.. it's still not easy to get ahold of a full adult male when it's mad, especially afterwords when you have to sit down and try to explain to the others how you know you shouldn't have brought it, etc.
    Try a medium sized lizard, if you have the money.. go for V.Acanthurus the ackies are medium sized, cute, active, and you will get noticed going around with such a great animal :D. You can also try a water dragon, try a chinese from Sapphire ranch.. or an Australian which have always looked like Bearded dragons on crack
    (they look like out of control hyper Beardies, they're so cool)
    or if you want something that won't whip you like the ackie, or jump like a water dragon.. try a German Giant Bearded or a P. Barbata (?) they get larger than normal and the crosses of sandfire X GG are fairly attractive.

    Whatever you get, research it for as long as you can.. and be positive you can build a larger cage.. in fact have the plans made before you even buy the lizard because you will need the cage before long.. I'm looking for a link to a place that'll draw up blueprints for cages.. hmm
  16. herpslave

    herpslave Member

    I have heard giants eat even 10-50 crickets aswell as greens a day. That would be expensive...
  17. Slizarus

    Slizarus New Member

    It can be, most people I talk to feed them a variety of greens and fruit along with pellets.. then supplement with Superworms/silkworms/wax worms or Fuzzys
  18. Frost_Wraith

    Frost_Wraith New Member

    Well first off, I never buy a lizard just so I can show it off. When I buy an animal its always because I think I find them interesting and I feel I can handle them. Second, I would love a monitor, but unfortunatly, I do not think I can keep up with thier huge appitaite when they get older. Tho they are in fact cute. Listening to all of you I'm becoming greatly interested in water dragons and bearded dragons. A bearded dragon would be the easiest of the two as I would just buy a 50 gal tank for its perminate home. A little smaller. But a water dragon it sounds like I am equally capable of handling, tho I would have to build its large and complex housing (which actually might be fun), I also like the fact that both are omnivorus. Feeding both crickets ( and other thigns when they are older) and plant matter sounds like it might be fun to meet thier nutritional needs ( I take jow in careing for critters, its why I want to be a vet) I've read quite a bit on Beardeds, But what about Water Dragons? How difficult are they to care for and build housing for? Oh and, how does one find breeders for reptiles?
  19. Slizarus

    Slizarus New Member

    I didn't mean that you wanted it for the size.. though I know I have and I'm not alone.. I agree with feeling you can hold it, something that has weight to it and is fairly interesting.
    Breeders? Why you find them on forums just like this :D
    Water dragons hmm...
    Chinese water dragons
    Aussie WDs
    You can find a lot of info on both Sapphire, and agama international... good luck, Chinese have a nice color.. but you can't beat the Aussie's look
  20. Frost_Wraith

    Frost_Wraith New Member

    Dang, now yall got me torn between Bearded and Water dragons. I think the bearded dragons would be easier to care for, but waters are sooooo cute!oh hey, this breeder has beardeds too. Neat!
  21. Slizarus

    Slizarus New Member

    Yup, I'm in love with the Pearl Gemfires ^_^ I already have 2 sandfires.. I just need something like a snow now darn it.
  22. Frost_Wraith

    Frost_Wraith New Member

    Gag, I don't seem to be anywhere near a breeder. How big a terrarium you need for a B.Dragon? I'm hearing some say 20 gal for one adult others say 40 gal for one adult.
  23. felstorm

    felstorm Embryo

    6 square feet of floor space at a very minimum. 55 gallon plus.

    4'x2'x2' is a pretty standard size, and an adult dragon will do well in it. Most people let theirs out to run around the house occaisionally.

    Juveniles 5 - 12 inches long can be put in a smaller tank, but they grow so fast in the first year they quickly outgrow that size tank.
  24. Slizarus

    Slizarus New Member

    That's a comfortable minimum.. but the bare minimum can be a 40 gallon breeder for a pair which I keep mine in, it's at least 3x3x3 so my idea of it's volume may be off
  25. Frost_Wraith

    Frost_Wraith New Member

    I'm looking at some of the enclosures on the market, and I have to ask. Would a screen cage work with a B.Dragon? Humidity isn't much of an issue with them so maybe one of these would be nice? Might be cheaper and easier to move.

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