Ok I got this idea the other day to build a Paladarium. I have a nice 40 gallon tank and what I want to do is build a retaining wall to hold back the water to just one part of the tank and fill the rest with potting soil and live plants. In the Fish tank part of it I was going to put my sisters betta and for the land part I was thinking of getting one or maybe 2 anoles. Does this sound safe for the lizards and the fish? are Anoles fish eaters heh? and would they be safe around an open body of water. it would have a resetting edge so they could get out if they fell in. If they can swim. anyway give me your thoughts please. P.S. if anoles don’t sound like the right animal please could you suggest another? Anoles were just my 1st thought.
I would think that they would be fine, but just in case put some floating cork bark or something in their so if they can't swim they can get out I don't think they would fall I though I've seen other people do a full bottom of water with only a small island but tons of hanging plants with success.
All right that great news thanks for responding Anoleboy2 I have another question. Can i safely keep one male and 2 females?
Safely yes, as long as you are willing to take care of the eggs/babies that will probably be the result (my pair produced 4 healthy babies this summer).