This is a newb question but can you have two male anoles from different species in the same cage? (Ex. a brown and a green) Will they still fight with each other?
Mostly with male anoles... territory is everthing... that is why you see only 1 male with about 2 or more females or one male by itself. My advise to you is to keep them seperate and maybe, if you want, you can get them some girlfriends :wink: Sincerely, Dahaki P.S. I would say one male anole can fit in a 15 gallon. A lot of people say a 10 gallon (not me), but more space the better. Males, I would say, like a big territory. One that they can be proud of!
This is a rather complex topic, mixing brown and green anoles in the same cage has been done but is highly advised against for all but the most advanced reptile owners. And I doubt that an advanced reptile owner would pick these two anoles to keep in one cage. Even if you did establish the two in a cage the green anoles would never breed, more to the point they might breed and the females may lay their eggs. The problem comes at the time the green anoles hatch, they have to make it from the cage floor through the brown anole territory to the cage upper levels where green anoles will have established their own territory. Survival is unlikely for the green anole young. Brown and green anoles are not well suited to keep in one cage or with any other lizards.
You can't keep different species in the same enclosure...period. Some people say "oh but my *insert reptile here* and *insert reptile here* like each other", but they don't. Even if they physically seem to ignore each other they will more than certainly be stressing each other out. If theres alarger one of the two it can bully the small one resulting in death.
the only way u can mix spicies is when u have a HUGE enclosure. there is a thing in reptiles mag about it.
Between the brown and green anole, I believe they are so much alike that their care is the same. Saying that, males can not be housed together, but if you were talking about females...... the "mix species" is a huge no, no in my book. Like those three posted after me. Overall, either way you look at it, brown and green anoles can not be housed together. Sincerely, Dahaki
Definately NOT. I have seen a video of someone who housed Anolis Carolinensis with its close relative Anolis Porcatus, and the two were indeed fighting for territorial right. As a general rule, NEVER MIX SPECIES, and NEVER HAVE MORE THAN ONE MALE IN ANY ENCLOSURE!!! Here is a link to the vid. I was referring to: