Crestie and Gargoyle with MBD

Discussion in 'Rhacodactylus (Crested) Geckos' started by Blind, May 25, 2010.

  1. Blind

    Blind New Member

    I bought a crestie and a garg cheap on craigslist, and i noticed that both of them look like they might have MBD. I was wondering. the Crestie is really really clumsy. is that because of the MBD? He hops wayy to much when we try to hold him, but i notice that he wont "stick" like my other crestie when he hops. he slides off and falls.

    the gargoyle is really really calm, hopefully she will grow better as she's a juvie, but I was wondering if there's any extra I should do?
    I'm feeding them CGD (the garg fell in love with it and wouldn't stop licking)
    I don't know if the male ate, but ill assume that he did because he made a MESS in the cage lol

    any extra i need to do? extra calcium? anything?


    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    the cgd is an all inclusive diet but if you would like to maybe get extra calcium in their systems I would feed them pheonix worms dusted in calcium (pheonix worms are high in calcium) or just regular crickets once or twice a week dusted in calcium without D3 and once a month or so with D3...
    A way to check (if you can get your cresties mouth open easily) is to see if they have calcium sacs like in this pic [​IMG]

    I believe it's only adults that you can see those in though...
    As for your little garg I don't know much about them, sorry :)
    Good luck!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Blind

    Blind New Member

    Ahh, Alrighty! I thought maybe just keeping them on the CGD would be good, and wanted to see if anyone would recommend something like feeding them extra dusted crickets.
    The crestie seems to be growing stronger in his little back legs now that he hops. he seems to be able to support himself better :)

    the garg didn't really show any signs of weakness. just the slight deformed spine.. but all the way to the tail, like the tail bone? lol

    but yeah! they both seem to be doing fine! I caught the crestie shedding the other day :(

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