Cresty size??

Discussion in 'Rhacodactylus (Crested) Geckos' started by Bottoms94, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    Well i got my crested geckos and the owner said theyre about 7 months old.., but my friends, at off the ark reptile shop, told me that they were to small to be 7 months..but maybe 7 weeks...

    Right now they are about 3 inches from nose to tail. How long should they be at 7 months? Could they be small due to a bad diet? And if theyre 3 inches now what is there age estimation?

    Also what age do they get out of the jumping stage..?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Shanna66

    Shanna66 Well-Known Member

    they could be that size an over a year if they werent recieving proper care or a proper diet

    at 7 months i would expect a healthy and well fed cresty to be bigger

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    yea maybe he was mistaken.... im not quite sure

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Geckoguy52

    Geckoguy52 New Member

    that seems tiny for 7 months. if it was due to diet, your crested would probably have some malnutrition issues associated with it. he probably mis-spoke.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    Wait 3" total? Like including tail? I'd definitely say the person was mistaken and they are 7 weeks... now if it's 3 inched body (no tail) then yes, they can definitely be 7 months... do you know their weights? Pics of the little cuties are always appreciated, lol

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    here you names yet due to not knowing the sex........,and can anyone tell me the morph......please

    The toothpick is 2.5 inches so you can tell!


  12. Just_Some_Guy

    Just_Some_Guy Well-Known Member

    My word they are thin!

    They are going to need some serious bulking up.

    Where did you buy them?
  13. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    some guy from a local college!
    he was feeding them a cresty diet every other day....first i gave em that.....then banana but it rotted so i took peach baby food and mixed it with their diet stuff....i dont know if theyre eating..

    My first whats the best diet for them.
  14. Shanna66

    Shanna66 Well-Known Member

    cgd everyday is best for them. it may be because he is young that he is so thin or it could be a health problem.
  15. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    yea idk
  16. Just_Some_Guy

    Just_Some_Guy Well-Known Member

    You will be able to tell if they are feeding you should be able to see in the food.

    Have you tried putting a bit on a spoon and offering it?
  17. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    no but ill try that now!
  18. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    That's how I "reward" my hatchlings and new geckos... if they will come out on my hand and hang out for 5-15 minutes I will "reward" them by putting a spoon of cgd for them to eat out of my hand. Then I let them back in the tank. If they are bad and don't want to be good in my hand at first I keep holding them until they are good... then the spoonfull of cgd. And of course then I put the rest of the mixed cgd in their tank... Make sure you're mixing it correctly. Too watery and they just get the water on top and no nutrition, too dry and they can't lick any of it up. Make sure it's a 50/50 mix by volume and you mix it well and let it sit for a minute, then look and make sure it "gelled" up nicely and it's a good consistency, if not drip out the water on top or add more water and mix :(
  19. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    well i found out from someone else that my cresties may be under developed :(
  20. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    Aw, well that's ok, just make sure you keep up with givin ghim as much food as possible and keeping his temps and humidity right for the rest of his growing time especially, and he should be abel to live a very happy life :(
  21. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    will they grow to normal size???
  22. Just_Some_Guy

    Just_Some_Guy Well-Known Member

    They may always be smaller than they should be, it really depends on how much they have missed out on.

    JEFFREH Administrator

    They may have the capacity to reach full adult size and live to be perfectly healthy animals; it's quite amazing what reptiles can jump back from even after undergoing poor husbandry practices during a portion of their lives. I've seen bearded dragons who came to rescues at ages of 8-9 months that looked like they should have been no older than 3 come back to be full grown beardies. No gurantees, but you get them on the right track and there will certainly be hope.

    Firstly, I'd like to suggest that you house them separately if they are not already so. Competition for food and space can result in stress, which would certainly not help the situation. Make sure they are comfortable: plenty of hides and access to water and climbing. At the size they are, they dont need a lot of space, nothing much large than a typcial plastic critter keeper and no bigger than a 10gallon aquarium.

    As the others recommended, a good food source and feeding regime. The Crested Gecko Diet is excellent, and can be fed soley. The downside: you really may have difficulty determining if they are eating anything. The stuff is rich, and a few licks may be enough to fill their relatively small stomachs. I'd avoid feeding babyfoods and fruits, at least for now, because those may inhibit the feeding response for the CGD due to the sweetness and sugar that is found in the fruits. Also, I've always been an advocate for feeding live prey at least on occasion. A little protein and stimuli of a moving insect will certainly help their growth, I'd offer CGD daily and LIVE insects (crickets or roaches, no mealworms) once a week, as many as they will take in a sitting.

    As for the jumping, they will do that their entire life... lol = ) you can tame them down with time and gentle handling sessions and they wont be so jumpy, but they will also have those tendencies. I'd wait to start handling them until you can be sure they are putting on weight and are comfortable with you and their home.
  24. Bottoms94

    Bottoms94 New Member

    well when i mixed CGD with Babyfood....they seemed to eat that........i think.....the food was dissapearing

    JEFFREH Administrator

    It's good that their eating it, Rhacs have sweet tooths and enjoy some good tasting fruits and nectars. CGD is completely balanced nutritionally and is intended to be fed only mixed with water, however. When mixed with babyfoods, it jeopardized the overall nutritional value and you will have to supplement the diet further in order to compensate for the loss. Fruits and babyfoods are alright, but fruits are highly sugar and the little food that is being packed into their tummies needs to be as rich as possible.

    Go ahead and keep mixing the CGD and babyfood for now, but every few feedings reduce the amount of babyfood you are adding to the CGD until your down to a simple mix of the diet and water. Right now getting them to eat something is the main concern to get some size and calories into the little guys for energy. Due to the mixing of the CGD and fruit, I would highly recommend adding insects to the diet now that the protein content is skewed from the addition of the fruit. I'd go ahead and just shoot for one insect feeding a week and dust them with a calcium and multivitamin supplement. You may also want to consider just adding a very small pinch of the calcium supplement (calcium carbonate, citrate...) to the CGD/babyfood mix as well. Bone development and protein metabolism are crucial to growing the addition of the insects and the touches of calcium and multivitamin will help to balance out what is lost from the meal replacement diet when mixed with the fruit babyfood.

    I think they'll turn out being perfectly healthy little guys = ) they are off to a good start with a caring and concerned owner, which is what they need to thrive. I too, would also say they are more likely in the 7 week old range. I had a 30 gram 7 month old girl and I'd say she would probably see those little ones as food LOL. Probably just a miscommunication. We wont jump to conclusions about stunted growth or possible medical issues just yet, just provide for them the best they can and keep an eye on their behavior, feeding habits, and bowel movements. They should be active and responsive, and if you see the occasion poo then thats a good sign they are eating (even if you dont see them eat anything).

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