CWD and glass

Discussion in 'Water Dragons' started by Epik, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Epik

    Epik Embryo

    So, I currently (yesterday) purchased my first pet ever a Chinese water dragon. Right now I am starting to build his terrarium little by little (I am a college student but I plan to give him everything he needs or finds enjoyable, which currently is a half log he loves to just perch on.)
    I got him and so far have been feeding him crickets and in a feeding dish I provided some mealworms incase he can’t get to the crickets or if they burrow in the bedding.
    Anyways, currently he has been enjoy the art of getting on top of his log and jumping from it into the glass -.- I know how dangerous this can be due to snout rub. So I acted quickly and tapped paper on the outside of the tank on all three sides (the back is against a wall). He seems to have stopped doing this activity (FOR NOW.)
    I suppose my question is, when can it be safe to remove this paper from the windows?
    Also, I am running a 75W basking bulb in the tank (which is 50 gallons I believe), I have TWO thermometers in the tank (which I bought used) One is the one that came with the tank a ZooMed strip thermometer and another which I purchased which was the Petco Thermometer. The petco is saying I have the tank at about 80degrees, the Zoomed says it’s at 95 >< is this a safe heat for the lizard? I don’t want to over heat him…
    Humidity is a solid 70-80% though.
    Thanks for your help!

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