How big do anole eggs get before they hatch? One of the ones we found last week is almost double in size since then. The others look about the same. The one with the dent looks like it may be changing colour a bit more to a brown, but hasn't colapsed anymore. The one we found a week and a half ago hasn't change at all, but I'm still not sure if it's mold or vermiculite stuck to the outside of it. It's still egg shape and white with brown spots. Should the eggs be growing constantly or just towards the end of the incubation period? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to do the best to allow for as many as possible to survive and be ready with a new enclosure in time for the hatchling(s).
They do get a lil bigger as the lil guy inside develops, but they can swell up real big a few days before hatching. Sounds like you might have a new one running around soon
That's what we were thinking. We getting a new 10 G ready and have the incubator container in a larger one now so when it hatches it can move around (it's in a small container with a large openning for air right now). We didn'y want to chance it getting loose in the house! Let you know what happens.
Heh, yeah, I know what you mean. We never had any anoles get loose in the house, but ALL the adult house geckos got out last year (damn those things are more of escape-masters than corn snakes). So we had 4 adult house geckos running loose inside the house. One of which we found, the other 3 kept the house pretty much bug-free for the next 6 months or so, then as it warmed up outside, we saw the three at different points outside around the house walls, and we let the other one go. They're a pain when they escape, heh. Good luck
We suspect that at least one of the other eggs is starting to grow (maybe 2). When they reallt start to grow a lot, about how long would you estimate before they hatch? and does it take them long to get out of the egg when they are hatching?
By the way, pretty sure she's laid a couple more in the last couple of days. Under her rock cave and behind it the bedding has been dug up an moved around. Plus Hobo was thinner again today and extremely hyper.
I'd guess probably within a week, although without seeing them it's hard to tell. Happy to hear everything's going well )
When we found them last week they were all pretty much the same size (a little larger than a tictac). Pretty much the same as the one Hobo laid last Wednesday. Kind of surprised us when we checked on them and it had grown so much in less than a week. We're keeping a daily watch on it now. Hoping to catch the little guy hatching (if we're really lucky). Let you know as soon as there is news!