Hi guys! As some of you know, I've had problems with my beardie Sumo before. She's had problems with the joints in her toe, and a little less than a year ago she started having trouble walking and keeping balance. Her condition is unchanged, neither better nor worse. She's coping with it so I'd say she's having a "normal" life, basking, eating, etc. I just noticed today what I thought was stuck shed on the end of the tail. When i carefully scraped on it the skin fell off completley and now its just what I assume is bone left, exposed... about 2-3 cm of the end of the tail is completely skinless and stiff. Where this skinless part ends there is a dark red ring around the tail, like a bruise. Even when I type I get really upset and sad because it sounds like something out of a horror movie... In general she is fine, just like her old self. She eats, poop, basks, sleeps, and so on. There is no visible "wound", no blood, nothing puffy, swollen or infected. She lives alone in a big tank with a lot of space and nothing heavy that could fall on her. I know that you guys arent vets but if any of you have any experience with anything like this I would gladly hear your thoughts. I will upload photos in a bit...
Oh and I can add that she never has any bugs running around free in the enclosure. I took the pics in her bath this morning. More of the skin fell off afterwards and its completely "naked" now. [/URL][/IMG][/URL][/IMG]