i ran across and awesome tank that had a rock wall and hides and all built in on a reptile auction, but i figure i could do it myself for less than what it was being sold for. i found a site that has a custom beardie cage with the directions and other links to custom enclosures. i want to create a custom enclosure for my leopard geckos but i want to make sure the items needed are safe, and if not could anyone give me some advice? here are the items that the sites have mentioned: 1 site Polystyrene Tile Grout Washed Play Sand Liquid Nails Foam-In-A-Can Acrylic Tile Grout Sealer another site Polystyrene/Styrofoam Paint Thinner/White Spirit (to create realistic holes) PU Foam/Insulation in a can Silicone (which I personally don't recommend, as it takes a long time to dry) or something else to stick the polystyrene to your wall (I used a hot glue gun) Tile Adhesive (the same stuff you use to lay the tiles in your bedroom) anything u guys see that may he hazordous? anything u guys can suggest?
Materials: - Polystyrene foam (4 cm. thick) - Fibre-glass paste (transparent, suited for aquariums) - A gas burner - Tile-glue paste - Spray can of paint (in the desired color) site with photo's and advice: Click here
I try to make it as natural as possible. I think it's good for the animals that they live in a 'natural' envoriment and it's also really beautiful. Maybe it's a bit harder to clean but that's not a big problem... Succes with building your rock's if you're planning to do it... it's not easy for the first time but... let your fantasy do the work... Grtz Keno.
thanks i'm still a lil worried about the saftey of the materials in with my leos. i agree though to make it as natural as possible which is why i want to design the cages with the fake rocks but is the polysterene, paint, tile grout, etc. safe?
Here in Belgium and Holland a lot of people make the fake rocks. I never heard of any problems with them... You should buy products on 'waterbase' (don't know if I say that correct) as most as possibly. The paint should definitly be on waterbase. If your rocks are finished place your cage outdoor and let it their for 2/3 days so everything is good dry and all the 'bad' air is out of the cage. Grtz Keno.
o ok... so i read where something to be acylic is that the same as waterbased? another quick question... i saw some enclosures where the fake rock was attached to the back of the tank, adding climbing room and whatnot. i saw it mostly in the enclosers with the slide doors, but once in a regular 10gallon tank. how do u think the polysterene would be attached to the back wall.
Here some pics of terrariums with rock backgrounds... (not my cages) (if you want more pictures, just ask) Grtz Keno
I don't know... my English is not that good... I don't know all the specific terms... But maybe people in a local DIY-store can help you with that... I always make enclosures with slide doors and I glue (with 'Tec7'(very strongue glue)) the polystyrene to the back wall... Grtz Keno.
i like the last pic. thats about what i want to do something, simple for my leos. the sliding doors would be great but i have 4 regular cages that i am wanting to design. i am thinking about using slate for the bottom and the rock in the back and sides and whatnot. heres the pic of the regular tank i saw with the fake rock. where did u get ur sliding enclosures or where would u reccommend for cheap? i may or may not get them, but i have been looking at them.
I'm from Belgium so I don't think you could do mutch with an adress from here... But I made my cages myself... they are made from tri- or multiplex wood and the plexiglas slides between plastic rails. Grtz Keno.
o ok thanks. ive already designed a layout for one of my 10 gallons and one of my 20 gallons... but one more question, it is ok for them to like the grout sealer right? once its dried and aerated its okay?
Grout sealer, I think he mean Grout.. the stuff that is used to fill the gaps between tiles... thats what I used to cover my Rock wall http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v372/Fre...rs/Dscn0600.jpg
ive read where u put grout sealer on top of the grout because the grout flakes and the sealer makes it harder and the grout cant flake
I don't know what you mean with the 'grout sealer' but the method I use is the one explained on this site... Click here Over the Polystyrene, that I cut and 'burn' in the forms I want, I do 3 layers of Tile-glue paste. This paste becomes really hard. It's paste that you also use for tiles in the bathroom. Hope you understand it... Grtz Keno.
I didnt burn my Poly Styrene i didi it with a wood shaper and a brisle brush.. might be slower but its still fun.. and I used tile grout for the texture... and to harden it.. and everything was glue together with Silicone