Feeder herps.

Discussion in 'General Discussion and Introductions' started by herpslave, Aug 6, 2004.

  1. herpslave

    herpslave Member

    What do you think about feeding live herps to a pickt snake or frog? I personally think If you have tried everything else to get it to feed, and nothing has worked I would do this. Its no really different the feeding mice to snakes. They are both either going to die or already dead. Either way you are supporting the cause for causing death. Even if you buy dead mice or herps. People do do this, Feed such lizards as leos, anoles, baby curly tails, swifts and much more to there snake. Yah some may have long lifespans, But if you kill a mouse for your snake or have it delivered dead. you are supporting the death of that mouse. Which could have lived a low lifespan but, your taking away its life that it could live...

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. slimmy

    slimmy Member

    it's a tough question, i personally would have a hard time feeding a snake or other reptiles that eat animals (dead or even more so alive). for some reason feeding insects doesn't bother me, but creatures that some view as pets do. i don't even think i could feed fish to a pet, (shrimp may be ok, lol) i guess that's why i just don't choose to have pets that eat other pets. but i understand when people who do own and love these pets that they need to do what they got to do, so if that is what you have then you need to feed it what it needs to thrive. and you shouldn't feel guilty as long as that is all it can or should eat.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. herpslave

    herpslave Member

    It is kind of like you eating animals that were killed. Your eating a pig which is killed for you, lifespan ca be anywhere from 10-40 years that I know of. usually killed the first year or two or less. Cows live a good long life. They are usually killed for meat at about a year. get my drift? Ad we do not require to eat any of these meats. We all could easily live off of veggies, fruits and a occasional dinner of meat per week and easily thrive... But also veggies were alive too but noone knows if they scream,cry,feel. So lets not get into that.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. slimmy

    slimmy Member

    yea, that's why i said do what you have to do and you shouldn't feel guilty about it!!!
    but you did ask what people think... so i did state my personal thoughts on it. if i had to slaughter the pigs & cows, or even if they were dead and i had to butcher them myself, i don't know if i could eat them anymore. i know that is what happens but i don't have to do it, just like in nature the reptiles eat other animals, but i don't have to feed them.

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