Field herping and stuff....

Discussion in 'Photos & Photography' started by dogking, May 26, 2013.

  1. dogking

    dogking HOTM Winner September

    After the spring semester finished, I took a trip to my uncles beach condo to relax, but I ended up spending little time at the beach and zero time at the pool. Instead, I went field herping for like three days lol!

    I went out the first day and found a gopher tortoise hole, but the only shot I got was his butt lol! I kept going back to the holes a couple times a day and FINALY on the last day I got lucky and caught him getting some fresh air!



    Of course, because this is Florida, there were like millions of anoles running around, but the green anoles are becoming more rare so I couldn't resist getting a picture when I found this little gem!


    Sadly, I didn't find anymore Herps =( but here are some other little critters I found!




    tokaygirl55, StikyPaws312 and Cammy like this.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Cammy

    Cammy ReptileBoards Addict

    Mmmmmm look at that smoothe, round shell on that tortoise. That's the work of a nice, natural, vegetarian diet and good old sunlight. Me likey.
    dogking likes this.

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