Discussion in 'Leopard Geckos' started by New2Reptiles, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. New2Reptiles

    New2Reptiles New Member

    Hi all,
    Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    So a few months ago I improved my Leo's moist hide by putting some damp paper towels in a Tupperware container. It worked out great the first couple of weeks, but then we had some problems. I would spray the paper anytime it became dry, and I began to notice that the paper was alway in a big ball in the center of the container, instead of lying flat on the bottom like I originally placed it. I thought it was from My leo maybe moving around/burrowing into it but now I find that I'm having to continue replacing the paper towel as they become shriveled and useless. This may sound extremely confusing, I apologize, but I'm wondering if there's a way to help the towels stick to the Tupperware, OR if I should choose a different method/substrate for his moist hide.
    Thanks a bunch,
    Jessica and leo

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. spaceboy

    spaceboy Well-Known Member

    My leo does this, but only just when I've changed the paper and put in fresh ones. He scratches the paper in the edges of the hide so the shriveled papers roll up into a ball in the middle of the hide... I dont know why they do it, it doesnt look very comfortable, but I guess its some instinct-thing haha. I'll just "fold" it back down and make it as flat as possible whenever I re-moisten it :)

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