I love anoles, though I don't currently keep any in my collection (lack of space for 'hobby' animals, when it is all devoted to business). I do, however, keep lygodactylus geckos, which are very similar in behavior, if a bit swifter. I have found that these geckos do extremely well on a diet of Repashy crested gecko diet and/or Repashy Day Gecko Diet. They gobble the stuff down, and are active and thriving. These are breeding animals, and hatchlings have also done well on the CGD. I have stopped feeding insects entirely, and haven't offered them for a good 6 months. Some of my Lygos have reached adulthood eating CGD, now. My question is whether anyone has tried using CGD to feed anoles, as an exclusive diet. The small anoles are well known for their love of sweets, just as geckos are, so the potential is there for them to also be easily maintained on an insect-free diet formulated for day geckos and cresties. Many of the issues folks seem to have with anoles relate to their nutritional needs. If they can thrive on CGD, this may be a good alternative.
I have some wild day geckos in area . For 3 yrs I have been putting banana slice on with mango baby food in area where they are found and never saw an adult green anole show the slightest interest in it. Doesn't mean they don't eat it as I am not watching all day long but lot's of green anoles in same area and other than anoles picking out insects off the fruit have never seen them touch it while the day geckos when not driven away from the thugs (house geckos) who also ignore the fruit clearly seek it out.
I'm fairly sure that mourning geckos and Lygodactylus geckos also do not eat fruit in the wild, but they appear to be thriving on a diet of CGD. Green anoles reportedly do like fruit babyfood in captivity.
I started out with anoles as my 1st reptile last year and I've had 3 so far. The girls seem more willing to eat more(at least for me)and the smaller ones(which are usually girls). They are insectivores and would at least need something every now and then-like mealworms or fruitflies. I know baby food has worked,like you stated above, so I don't see why the CGD wouldn't. Though, some of them grow up eating insects and it can be hard to break it-I tried baby food as soon as I got mine, but he's somewhat older and wild-caught(like any anole I've ever seen for sale). They aren't breeded normally, so it might be harder to get a CB-though I have tried breeding and a pair mated, though she was small and died from egg binding-which is why most people don't attempt it and it doesn't serve enough profit for people who want money, though it's more of a hobby and fun for me They are all pets to me. I would reccommend getting a younger one, which I've seen sold a lot in stores lately, since it will have more of a chance to eat the CGD. Also, how many are you planning on getting to start?
I figured a 1.2 or 1.3 group to start with. I'll breed them, and then rear the hatchlings. The mourning geckos and Lygodactylus are also insectivores, but they're doing great on CGD and Day Gecko Diet, no insects. The CGD contains plenty of protein and other nutrients that they would get from insects. The question will be whether the animals will maintain healthy weight and normal activity on the food. I don't really anticipate problems with getting green anoles to eat it, green anoles generally like sweet stuff, and I can start them on something they like, and mix it in until they're eating CGD, just as I did with the Lygos.
Well, good luck! Sounds like a good plan! Let me know how you do on breeding and maybe you can give me some tips
Good Luck with breeding! Let me know how it goes - mine continue attempting but I have yet to snatch a fertilized egg . - ELF