RE: Handling green anoles Thank you. I know your point of it though, too many people care too little about them. Just because they are cheap, does not mean they can be treated that way. When my 3 were given to me, they were living in a 5gal, with sand as substrate, a couple twigs, and the crickets they were being fed were the black hard shelled ones from the woods...not to mention were never given calcium or vitamins... was I ever mad, they had no meat, were skin and bones, and I almost took them to a vet to have them put down, but I decided to nurse them back to health, and I am telling you they are chubby and healthy and breeding!
RE: Handling green anoles Exactly. I'm really happy about your rescue! *Thank You* on behalf of your anoles lol :lol:
RE: Handling green anoles But whenever we see one acceptional anole keeper, there are many many more out there that keep them in a 5 gallon with sand. I wish that the employees actually told the customers the right information for their pets. People dont ask forums about what is right for their new pets, they ask the employees of their local pet store that dont know whats the difference between a chameleon and an anole.
RE: Handling green anoles so true. when i bought my crested gecko recently, he was in a 10gal with another baby crested, 5 baby anoles, some albine tree frogs, and another lizard, cannot remember what it was. The anoles were all huddled up in a corner, i just wanted to take them home with me. I get so angry. it is even worse when i go to someones house and they are doing the same thing. mine are all seperated, and happy by themselves. it may be a heck of a lot more money to have so many different tanks and setups, but hey if you are buying an animal, you have to commit to its needs. would you keep snakes and cats together? probably not. that is the stress put on animals when they are mixed. (bad example i know lol)
Always its those people who then wonder why their anole died. Then they buy a new one just because its cheap and they put it in the same 5 gallon enclosure with a few long tailed grass lizards, a couple twigs, sand and maybe even a snake just to save space.
It's definately an issue that gets my blood boiling. The worst thing is, most of the pet stores around my way are reluctant to listen to anything people have to say!
Exactly. I even for awhile was volunteering at one of the large pet stores around here, working on the tanks, making glass dividers where i could, cleaning, etc...I basically did all i could with the available resources to help the reptiles as best as possible. I mean they may have ended up with less space, but at least the anoles weren't mixed with lizards 3 times their size and stressed.
Recently My local pet store has just separated the reptiles. I was so surprised that they did that. everything is sparkling clean in there now. I think someone asked them to.
I know. I didnt think they would do that anytime soon but they did it and now everything looks nice and clean.