He is gone........T.T

Discussion in 'Anoles' started by danielanole, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. danielanole

    danielanole Embryo

    .......unfortunately my mom made me free my brown anole since she finally found out about SALMONELLA........... he was a male that i found at the petstore.... he was starving~!!!!!!!!!! u could see his ribs and all that stuff.... but he became much better now...... I WILL ALWAYS HAVE HIM IN MY HEART.........

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Camillo

    Camillo New Member

    I'm so sorry. Your mom is a worry-wart; salmonella is not a worry as long as you keep the cage clean and wash your hands after working with the anole(s). Perhaps if she had been rational about it, she could have realized that there is less chance of getting salmonella from lizards than chicken that is just a BIT undercooked.

    I'm sorry if I sound a bit mean, but I've always been against making bad decisions based on myth, fear and ignorance. I hope you live in the southern US, because otherwise that anole is... is... ugh. I can't even bring myself to say it.

    Well, good luck to you. I'd advise having a calm chat with your mother, trying to get her to see the light.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Axe

    Axe Well-Known Member

    Yeah, the risks of getting salmonella from reptiles are slim to none. You've more chance of getting salmonella from improperly cooked eggs (Fancy going to Denny's anybody?) :)

    All animals carry their own lil nasties (even humans). Your mother would probably curl up n' cry if she knew about all the lil bugs, germs, bacteria and other bad guys floatin' around inside her :)

    If I were you, I'd hunt out the real truths about salmonella & reptiles, print them out and present them to her.

    Here's a good link for ya

    And, just a quick quote or several...

    And here's one a lil further down in the "Help prevent infection" bit..

    So if she thinks this problem is just specific to reptiles... your mother needs a lil educating of her own :)

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