How do snakes compare?

Discussion in 'General Snakes' started by Skunky, Jan 29, 2006.


How does your snake compare to the "normal" pets

  1. Having a snake is the just the same as having a cat or dog!

    0 vote(s)
  2. *

    Having a snake is so much cooler than a cat or dog!

    1 vote(s)
  3. Dogs and cats are so much better pets than snakes!

    0 vote(s)
  4. *

    Other -- (Please post your answer)

    1 vote(s)
  1. Skunky

    Skunky Well-Known Member

    So the forum's been pretty slow today, so thought I'd send up a poll/topic and see what you folks have to say.

    At some stage, everyone and his neighbour has owned, or will own, a dog or cat. They're the "stock" pets one gets for companionship and to bring a spark into the house.

    It's difficult to phrase this correctly, but do you see your snake/snakes as a pet/s on the same level as a dog and cat (in terms of companionship/relationship/interaction), or do you view them as an "alternative" kind of pet?

    Not sure if that makes any sense, so post your queries as needed!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Ash19

    Ash19 Well-Known Member

    I don't see snakes as better or worse then having a dog or a cat. In fact, I don't even see cats and dogs on the same level or better or worse then each other. They each have their own good and bad qualities about them. My dog I see as one of my best friends. She's really intelligent, amusing and loyal, protective. My cats are more like my babies. But at the same time they sense my emotions and seem to try to cheer me up when I'm down. I read an article that cat's sense human emotions and are more likely to comfort you then ignore you. As for my snake, well I've learned a lot from just having him for 7months, and he's awesome in his own way. Just because he's not fluffy or furry doesn't mean you can't cuddle him or love him as much :(

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Skunky

    Skunky Well-Known Member

    Nice, that's a good point. So I guess part of what I was asking was, if snakes arent as sociable/emotional/playful etc as cats and dogs, do you feel the same about them as the other common pets.

    I've just got my snake, so I cant really comment. It's a different sort of relationship, not really one that you get much out of in terms of physical stimulation (ie. you cant really play with it, it doesnt come jump on your lap and lick and isnt really affectionate per se, but it's almost a mysterious sort of bond with the snake -- it's such a different animal...and it's not been bred for hundreds of years to be a pet


    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Janice

    Janice ReptileBoards Addict

    I think snakes are cooler, but I love cuddling with my puppies. Totally different.
    More people have cats and dogs, and there tends to be a large percentage of the general population that are afraid of snakes, even though they are so harmless.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. lizard_man_Lane

    lizard_man_Lane Well-Known Member

    I think snakes are just as fun to keep, if not more fun, than cats or dogs. Some of my friends are like haveing a snake would be so cool, then some of my friends are like eww snakes, why don't you just get a dog because they are much cooler. People have different opinions about which pets are cooler. Snakes are a pet that doesn't need to get a lot of attention or be cuddled, like a cat or dog. I don't need a pet that has to be cuddled, I just want a pet that is easy to care for and fun to keep.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. Ash19

    Ash19 Well-Known Member

    I LIKE cuddling though, lol. That's why I appreciate having cats and dogs as much as having a snake. But I never got a snake cause they are cool. I just find them fascinating. But I do love my snake.
  12. Skunky

    Skunky Well-Known Member

    I love snakes that much more cause they're just so different from the norm...they're mysterious/unknown...from another planet :)
  13. field_hockey_gal

    field_hockey_gal Well-Known Member

    I think snakes are soo much better than cat/dogs.
    1. I can handle them and cuddle them
    2. They don't take much time to care for, don't have to take them out for walks everyday.
    3. And Probably the biggest - I don't have an allergy attack from them. :)

    I'm allergic with everything with fur, so cats and dogs are out of the question (as well as hamsters, rabbits etc.). I really enjoy the time I get to spend with some cats and dogs. My grandparents cat would come to see me whenever I was at their house and just lie around and get petted (wasn't much of a cuddler). Along with some other dogs and cats that I have met. As for a pet for myself snakes (or any reptile) are much better, and I am finding (more with my geckos because there are more I can compare) they have their own personalities, and quirks.
    But I still really like cat/dogs
  14. reako45

    reako45 Member

    You're on the snake forum, so, of course you're going to get a bunch of folks saying having a snake is cooler than having a cat or dog. I think it's cooler because I am fascinated by snakes. Don't get me wrong, I love cats (have 2) and dogs (have had 3 in the past), but snakes (and here's my bias) are pets for the more emotionally evolved and secure peolpe (as are cats) that don't demand blind, sycophant-like affection from an animal (dog).
    I'm guessing here, but I imagine my snake's response to seeing me would be something akin to "Hey, there's that idiot that feeds me and takes me out. I wonder what that son of a bleep is up to now?" Judging from personal experience, I believe that my colubrids (Western hog, SD Gopher, and Cal King) recognize me by sight, and will exhibit certain behaviors when they are interested in coming out. I believe that at least one of them (Cal King) is acclimated to a schedule (of feeding & handling). Snakes are just a different dynamic altogether when it comes to your interaction w/ them, and I believe that intereaction w/ them is more on their terms.

  15. field_hockey_gal

    field_hockey_gal Well-Known Member

    Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    You could also say the same about any mammal. My grandparents cat was really demanding and let you know what she want when she wanted it. She would come to you when she wanted petting and leave when she had had enough. She would butt her head on your hand if she wanted more petting, and meow if she wanted fed. She was sweet.
    Same with dogs, they growl when they are angry or protective. They interact with you more, but will sometimes just stop doing what you want them to do (say if they get bored tired or just disobedient).
  16. shrap

    shrap ReptileBoards Addict

    RE: Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    It is really just a matter of what you are into as an individual and what you want out of your pets. In example, if you want something to take to the beach and throw frisbee with then you probably want a dog (or a drinking buddy :) ).

    I guess what I am trying to say is that what is a right pet, what is a cool pet, for one person may be a boring and wrong pet for someone else. We are all different and like different things, have varying schedules, varying abilities, varying amounts of time to devote to our pets, etc. It is all about what pet/s are right for each of us as individuals.
  17. Skunky

    Skunky Well-Known Member

    RE: Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    Interesting discussions..thanks folks! keep it coming! :)
  18. HadesBP18

    HadesBP18 Member

    RE: Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    What shrap said :)

    Well I like reptiles better than other pets because they are so much more unique. They are more of a challenge than a cat or dog in my opinion, and you can never stop learning. Cats and dogs are so straight forward and each color cat or dog is still the same. There are so many different kinds and colors of snakes and each has different care requirements. I guess I just love the challenge.
  19. jondugard

    jondugard New Member

    RE: Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    yeh they are way more interesting i think, not so many people own them, most people think its crazy but they are so interesting to just get out and watch im quite an energetic person an watching and handeling my snakes calm me down. they dont make you hoover fluff ten times a day or make u itch! bark! take for walks in the cold an rain! and you can cuddle them you just need a big one!
  20. Ash19

    Ash19 Well-Known Member

    RE: Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    Lol I actually find my dog to be more of a challenge then my snake. My corn is just sooo easy to care for. No challenge at all where as my dog, as everyone says, begs for this and that, walks in the cold and rain, food 24/7, pet all the time.
  21. Skunky

    Skunky Well-Known Member

    RE: Re: RE: How do snakes compare?

    Nice thing about snakes (BPs at least), you only get a poop every 4 weeks -- and unless you're sleeping with your retic, it's never bound to end up under your shoe :)

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