A red blood python, whom will be returning home with me in about 3 weeks. I am very excited. Still on the market for a second female and male though.
They are cool, but kind of expensive because they eat.. a lot. Like, a stupidly large amount. You'll spend a thousand dollars on a bearded dragon by the time it is one year old if you include the lights, the enclosure, and the metric ton of insects/greens that it will consume per day.
I would say, definitely cheaper. But its not about the money, its about building a relationship with whatever animal you will enjoy the most
i enjoy both, but i felt that i would be better off with a bearded because of how oyu can handle them and leopards not so much
lets say i bought about a 4-6 month old bearded dragon about how many worms would it eat in a week? and how do i find breeders near me i was told not to buy from petco again
I would buy online or at an expo.. and i spend about 50$ a month feeding mine for the first 6-7 months, and even more after that... then after about a year and a half, it starts to go back down again a little bit