LLLreptiles, and Big Apple Herp are good online suppliers, and i find out expo dates just by using google and poking around. There is one in indianapolis, In in about 5 days, for example.
Portland, Maine Reptile Expo.. August 28th New York Metro Reptile Expo.. September 11th New England Reptile Expo.. October 9th Those are all the ones I just found near you, and it barely even took 3 minutes... actually just saw one listed for Chicago too.. I'll be attending that one, for sure.
Just FYI- We have this neat thing called the CHAT ROOM, lol, and the new Instant Messaging on here - if you go to the "home" screen there is a bar at the bottom and you can see who else is online and signed into the chat, then you two can chat all you'd like without making a huge thread Or you can go into the chat room - there may be other people on there but either way it would be easier than posting in a thread. FYI- I'll most probably be at the NY reptile expo with my nephew I have to bring them to JFK that day anyway because they are flying home but hopefully we can stop by the expo for a couple hours before
OMG yes (you guys r too funny again) but back to the reptiles, Beardies are expensive ! i had 3 at one point and you could not imagine how much those guys eat! and they are def a lot of maintenance. Since you already have cwd I'd say go for something else ! and OMG blood pythons are my favorite snakes ! They are truly something to see and AWESUM pets ! I was given a sick one when like 10 years ago and i reallyyyyy tried but i wasnt too experienced, i had to force feed him but he died a after a year ;( .. Leon if you want to go to a NY expo , just google NY reptile expo it will give you all the up coming dates. The one is Westchester is usually the more popular one. sometimes they do it in Long Island.
What ever you say, boss. We'll try not to clutter the threads with our useless conversations anymore. And I would love to go the NY expo, but I don't really have that kind of money to spare. I would have to find someone to house me so I could skip the hotel costs. But I'm DEFINITELY going to the Daytona show in two weeks, and I will be at the National expo in Chicago on October 8th and 9th if anyone goes to it and wants to chill.
You might enjoy something like a uromastyx or red headed agama, if you are trying to go for the desert-esque species to off-set the tropical one that you already have. Uros are pretty cheap to feed and maintain too.. and they are very cool.
i dont like there looks though, it sounds dumb but looks count for me too thats one of the reasons i love reptiles they have unique colors and bodys
lol how do you not LOVE the way they look? Their faces look like stupid turtles, its so cute! and that kickass "spiked' tail can really mess you up!
Just keep in mind leos rarely are out during the day. so idk if you mind your tank looking like theres nothing in it. you will mostly see them at night
i work during the day and come home till like 12 am so it will be perfect or im in school and lift afterwards so its fine