Iggy Cage

Discussion in 'Iguanas' started by paulknight21, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. paulknight21

    paulknight21 Embryo

    I was just wondering if any1 had any ideas for a cage been looking to build 1 but get cofused on what materials to use. Thx Paul Knight

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. bruno

    bruno Moderator

    When I had an iggy I use melamine covered chipboard, but this is in the UK, from what I had read on forums , it is available in the States, it worked really well as it hold the heat in.
    Mine was a 6x4x2 ft which is the minimum size for an adult iggy. It had safety glass sliding doors.
    You need it big enough to have a large water tray, cat litter tray works well, they love to soak and usually poop in water which makes it easy to keep clean.
    You can use any wood really but NOT pine or cedar, these are toxic to reptiles

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