Im thinking of moving from California to Arizona. How could I move my beardie without stressing him out...its about a 7 hr drive :?:
2 methods 1: put him in a dark bag or padded box and he will sleep for the trip 2: take him along for the ride so he can enjoy it. Let him look out the window and sit on your shoulder... if he gets antsy, you can always put him into a box.
thats what I was gonna say...If you have a 10 gallon tank or a box at least 1.5' X 1.5' (depending on your beardies size) than feed your beardie in that... and it will give you PLENTY of time to hold your beardie....Your beardie will even catch some UV rays if the weather isn't too cloudy
Feeding is not neccessary, he will probably not be interested in food anyway. without a basking spot for digestion, it's not adviseable. UVB cannot pass through glass so no UVB unless your BD rides outside the car or close to an open window. either way not a good idea.
ya exactly just keep him comfy and sturdy somewhere mabye if you are not alone put him in a large container or tank and get someone to hold container or cage!!!!!