Is Reptivite Enough ?

Discussion in 'Bearded Dragons' started by AgeofKaos, Nov 18, 2003.

  1. AgeofKaos

    AgeofKaos New Member

    I do alot of research online to try and find out as much as I can on the best way to care for a Bearded Dragon. I have found a lot of websites where people say that they dust crickets with two powders, usually one is vitamins and one is calcium. My question is wether I need something else other than what I am using now. I am dusting crickets daily with a powder called Reptivite. It comes in a with plastic container and has a chameleon on the label. Does this powder contain all the supplements needed for a young beardy like mine? ( 7 inches ).

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. CheriS

    CheriS Is well known here

    It depends, on what other reptile husbandry you are using along with it like diets, lights or sun.

    Do I think that just the Reptivite with crickets are enough? Absolutely not.
    Do I think that Reptivite with good greens/veggies and crickets/supers are enough? Again absolutely not
    Do I think that Reptivite with good diet of greens/veggies and crickets/supers and exposure to natural sun or a good quality mercury vapor light for UVB is enough.... yes.

    Meeting all the needs that a captive bearded dragon needs means trying to simulate as close to nature as possible their ability to continue to make pre D3 in them and absorb calcium from their diets. They need rich greens, veggies for the calcium and UVB lights or natural sun exposure regularly to be able to synthesis that to D3 and absorb the calcium.

    Supplements are an insurance that they are getting enough from their diet and UVB.

    I believe from studies we have done and by others that dragons in natural sun and good rich diets of greens/veggies and protein, need little or no supplement. Dragons under good quality MV lamps need very little supplement, dragons under 5.0 or 8.0 UVB tubes need calcium dusting with D3 a few times a week and vitamins/minerals twice a month. Dragons under no UVB source will live when supplemented with Calcium with exogenous activated vitamin D3 and vitamins both, but they will not thrive to the level they should and problems do appear later in their life from lack of UVB.


    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. AgeofKaos

    AgeofKaos New Member


    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. AgeofKaos

    AgeofKaos New Member

    Well Cheri, I think that you didn't understand my question. My beardy does have uvb exposure and does eat his crickets and is learninig how to eat greens because he or she is still young. All of those things are in place. My question is, does Reptivite have enough Calcium? Is ducting the crickets daily with Reptive going to get enough calcium in my beardy, or do I need to dust the crickets with a Calcium powder? I know that Reptivite has enough vitamins because it is mostly vitamins, but I'm not sure it contains ENOUGH calcium.

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