Is this enclosure sufficient?

Discussion in 'Anoles' started by RandomWiktor, Oct 14, 2007.

  1. RandomWiktor

    RandomWiktor New Member

    I was at a local pet store today that had one brown anole, tail recently lost, missing a few toes, living on sand ::cringes:: with no UVB, no heat source, and a water bowl half filled with debris. I felt bad for him, so after some enthusiastic arguing, I made the case that it was unethical to sell "damaged products" and convinced them to give him to me free of charge. :)

    At any rate, I have the following set-up and I'm wondering if it is sufficient, as info on these guys seems extremely variable and I'm not sure what to trust:
    - 10g aquarium
    - Coco Fiber bedding
    - Two large climbing branches (moopani wood), one hide, two large silk plants, one water bowl.
    - UVB strip, 5.0
    - Red light heat lamp (it says I can keep it on at night, is this true?) on one side of tank. Temp is about 90-92
    - Ambient temp on cooler side of tank is about 78 (I know 75 is ideal, but I can't really lower it as it is the ambient temp of my room.)
    - Lid (except for section with lighting) covered with saran wrap to maintain humidity, misting will be 2xd
    - RepCal calcium, HerpVite calcium + D and multi-vitamin (what should the dusting schedule be?)
    - Pinhead crickets and small mealies.

    Is this OK for one anole? I'm not sure of the gender as of yet, do they need a buddy? Because I'd really prefer to just have the one? Any other tips or links to good websites/caresheets much appreciated! I haven't had them since I was a very young child, and admittedly they were not properly cared for :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. RandomWiktor

    RandomWiktor New Member

    Ok... assuming the care sheet on here is accurate, I think I'm OK.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. anoleboy2

    anoleboy2 Member

    It sounds like you've got it, but are you misting the cage at least once or twice a day, anoles don't usually drink from a bowl they can't recognize standing water. Oh and I think that they can't see red light so you probably can keep it on all night.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. RandomWiktor

    RandomWiktor New Member

    I mist 2-3xd, I mostly have the water as a back-up just in case he should like to drink from it (unlikely I know).

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