I have two Green Anoles: Mario & Luigi Here they are together: (Mario is the hider) Here is the acrobatic Luigi who thinks he is a tree frog... And the almighty two story enclosure I built for them Its a 20 gal with a ten gallon topper with holes cut in the bottom of the 10 and top of the 20 so they can get from one to the other:
Wow! Your setup is awsume I've never seen that done before. I have some extra 5.5 gallons maybe I'll put one on my tank. and see how it works.
Wow... That's amazing. I have a 20 Gallon Long Tank ( Which will have a little anole or two in it soon. ) and a 10 gallon tank ( That I wasn't planning on using ) and I might try doing that. P.S. what did you use to cut the glass bottom?