Leopard Gecko Morphs

Discussion in 'Leopard Geckos' started by jennifer19md, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. jennifer19md

    jennifer19md Embryo

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me. My boys got two girl geckos about a year ago. you can see the one has a hurt foot. Not sure how it happen but she is well taken care of now. the girls are pics 3,4,5 & 6. The male we got about 6 months ago and I just started to introduce them. he was very aggressive at first with my light color girl till she shut him up lol. Now today i put them together in a tub again well he got to it very quick. my question is what morphs do i have? and can the light girl breed with him? the other girl don't even want near him. which makes me think i should not house all three together? Or is it because she has a hurt foot?
    Any help would be nice.

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    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    The first 2 photos are of a Leucistic (Patternless) leopard gecko morph, all the other photos are of a normal or wild type morph. If you decide to breed them you will only get other normal or wild type morphs unless one of the girls has a recessive patternless gene.
    It seems as if you've put the male and females together in a separate tank.... are you planning on keeping them together at all time or only putting them together to mate? It would be best if you kept them in separate tanks.
    Do you have separate enclosures for the hatchlings? Layboxes ready in the female leo's tanks? An incubator? These are all absolute minimum requirements to have when thinking about breeding leopard geckos. Also, please keep in mind that female leopard geckos store sperm and will lay eggs throughout their breeding season even if they haven't been placed with a male recently.

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