My Bearded Dragon is Not Eating: Tips from a Herpetologist

Discussion in 'Bearded Dragons' started by herpetologist frank, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. herpetologist frank

    herpetologist frank New Member

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20
    Bearded Dragons (Pogona vitticeps) are among the most popular of all reptile pets and a great choice for both new and experienced lizard enthusiasts. But apparently-healthy specimens sometimes refuse to feed, or lose weight despite feeding, and there is still much confusion as to why this occurs. My work with Bearded Dragons and hundreds of other lizards in zoos and at home has (I hope!) provided me with some useful insights into this problem. When presented with a non-feeding Bearded Dragon, we must check our husbandry protocol (UVB, temperature, etc.) and investigate the possibility of a disease or injury. Other potential problems, such as the effects of circadian rhythms (“internal clocks”), may be less obvious, yet very important. Read the rest of this article here
    Please also check out my posts on Twitter and Facebook

    My Bio, with photos of animals I’ve been lucky enough to work with:

    Best Regards, Frank
    geckolover22 and JEFFREH like this.

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