My Leo doesn't want to eat!

Discussion in 'Leopard Geckos' started by GeckoEcho, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. GeckoEcho

    GeckoEcho Embryo

    Its been a week that my leopard gecko has not eaten. I have had him for 1 almost 2 years and I've never seen this happen. I was going on vacation for 2 weeks so I gave him to my friend with accurate instructions of how to take care of him. I gave him a 20 gallon tank with a reptile carpet, 2 hides, 1 decoration, a heating pad, a cup for the meal worms, a cup for water, Calcium powder, 2 plastic bags, a zoo med terrarium hood, a steel feeding tong and my leopard gecko. When I came back from my vacation, I went immediately to get my leopard gecko. He told me that he didn't want to eat. I went home with him then put the tank on my desk. After 5 or 10 mins he pooped, but the poop wasn't digested at all. The poop was just worms stuck together. He has been laying down and staring at me(like now) for a very long time. He inhales and exhales rapidly. I have been doing the take him a 2 warm bath and rub his belly daily for 2 days already and so far no changes. I have no idea what to do with him.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. GeckoEcho

    GeckoEcho Embryo

    Nevermind just had to feed him a cricket

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