well at least u have green lazers, 18 drinking age and cheap meds. lol that would suck tho. is everything for herps expensize there?
o sry i really do have a uvb light so all i need is some live crickets!thanxx so much guys!I am determined to get this thing to stay alive
and dude its sweet all th4e hospitals and stuff is free but ya the herp stuff is a bit more depending on what your buying
u need to use live crickets u said u were using store bought dried ones chances are the onole doesnt recnize this as food because its not moving
o no i have bought real crickets now but thanx souledge.I was just wondering if small live crickets is ok for my anole since he too is very small
yes small is the best al through their life but if it gets really big like 7-8 inchies (ud need a biiiiiiiigggggg tank) u could give it meduim sized ones. just stick with small now
thanx so much my anole is right now feasting away on his crickets. lol i am so happy because carol is soon going to get a friend because on saturday i am going to get a new anole.Should i get a male or female?
Whoa! Kittykatkayla wait a second. I think you need to devote a little more time to carol. (just my opinon) Now you first need to find out if carol is a he or a she. Males cannot go together so if carol is a male get a female. If she is a female it really doesn't matter but carol would be better off with a female. I think you should just wait a little while, like a month. I know you are excited about your new anole and want to get another and beleive me I know the feeling. I just tink Carol should get to settle into his new and imporoved home and enjoy it!!! P.S. Good luck with what you do!!!!
o thanx yeah i think carol is a female though because she does not have the big pink dewlap thingy and i will take your advice on the waiting thing.Is there any other way to tell if she is a he or she lol?
Are you misting the cage? That was my problem for a bit, he was dehydrated even though he had a water bowl they don't like to drink out of bowls, it's good to have one, but they really drink off leaves when you mist the tank. Also it's important to keep your UVB light close, it should be within a foot of the basking spot, you said you had a big cage so that could be part of the problem... And this is a pretty old thread, is everything okay now?