Hey, my new female green anole i got today loves her new place as soon as i put her in with the male my male was bobbing his head amd stickin out his dewlap and so was the girl so they're pretty much in love. So how do i know when she is pregnant? And i have a 38 gallon tank for when the babies hatch to live in. So give me some info.
First off, you skipped the whole quarantine step. That's VERY important. You want to make sure that the female acclimates to the new environment without worrying about male attention and making eggs. It's not too late to take her out and make sure that she is healthy and eating well. And to make sure that she's not carrying communicable diseases which can be passed onto your male. Well, that aspect is blown, because the male has now been exposed, but all the other important aspects of quarantine can be met if you separate and start now. For breeding, here's a good article.. http://www.reptilerooms.com/Sections+index...d-8-page-1.html
the place i got it they had insured they were all free of diseases so theyre all good ill check the website and keep checking back on this spot and reply to my outcomes, thanks
I'm sure they would...they're not going to sell you an animal and say "just be careful, they may be carrying diseases". Even if the animals seem healthy at the breeders, the stress of the move/adjustment makes them vulnerable for anything to kick in even if the animal was able to keep it under control before. So a responsible breeder will ALWAYS recommend quarantine, even if they know that the animal was healthy under their care. So again, do separate them. You don't want to bombard the new female with everything at once. Let her get used to your environment and THEN deal with male attention. That'll give her enough strength to create strong eggs too.
she seems like she really loves him like they both bob their heads and show dewlaps ( i didnt know females had dewlaps)
You really do need to quarantine new animals before introducing them into an enclosure. Anoles may have disease and wont show them unti;l it is too late to do anything and that disease may have spread to your other anole. You said that you have a 38 gallon for the babies but what size tank is your anoles current tank? If you plan on using that 38 for babies, there is only enough room for 3-4 at maximum and there will be more than three or four.. Each needs 10 gallons per anole.
i was going to get a 38 gallon today but i went ahead and im gonna get a few 20gallons once i start seein sum eggs,
So i take it you are not quarantining them? This process is VERY important. I would highly recommend it, especially if you want healthy offspring.
this thread is now talking about the same thing in the other thread. I'm locking this one so the answers can all consolidate in the other one.