i recently had to put one of my beardies to sleep and i am left with one lonely dragon who needs company!! in search of an adult full grown female plz let me know if anyone has one for sale/adoption or knows where to find one for an affordable price...
A lot of times at pet shops you can find them, though pricing isn't as good, and at the bigger chains they mainly have younger ones...if you can find a local one, they might have some older ones. You can look for reptile shows in your area, they have many reptiles, usually well priced too. It might help to put where you are from. And welcome here! I'm sorry for your one beardie
oh yea lol. im in cleveland OH. i work ata pet store but its hard to get an adult female, most places only get in babies or adult males as they keep the females for breeding purposes.
I would check out craigslist, local animal shelters, local reptile groups, etc. It's worth a try! Sorry about your older beardie Welcome to Reptile Boards btw!
Oh, wow! You're right in my area! What a coincidence, that means I know most of the places to go! Well, the reptile show I go to is in Cleveland- it's once a month on a Sunday. $4 to get in and it's pretty nice, they have cheap food and supplies as well as the animals themselves, if you go, you'll like it I'm sure! Here's the website for the Cleveland show: http://www.freewebs.com/shrz/ Hope to see you there, I try to go when I can, but I live about an hour away. And which pet store do you work at then? Then next one is actually next Sunday(August 12th)!