Hi, Both Booly and Hobo have been flaring their dewlaps a lot lately. They are staying a nice tan colour most of the time when they are doing this, so not too stressed out. They are in seperate enclosures and a folder is blocking all but about an inch at the end where they are side by side, so they don't see each other all the time. The enclosures are all glass with screen tops. Booly also likes to cling to the screen, stare into the flourescent bulb and flare his dewlap. Any suggestions on how to cut down on their reflections so they don't end up getting too freaked out? How about why Booly flares his at the light? Hobo doesn't do it as often, but it still surprises me at the frequency since females don't usually flare them too much from what I've heard (just at her reflection and occasionally at Booly when they can see each other, not at the light).
Maybe he's not doing so much AT the light, but simply raising his head up higher to make his dewlap look bigger as he flashes it out.
He does it while clinging to the screen as well though. Looks at the light then tilts his head back and flares away!
That's a reassuring thought! By the way, Hobo prefers all sides of her enclosure exposed to the surrounding room... Booly definitely the opposite. He's almost always beige now that I have white paper surrounding the enclosure (except the front) and I haven't seen his dewlap in 2 days now.
Ahh good.. some of 'em like feeling a little (for lack of a better term) "closed in". Makes them feel more secure I guess. They know that if they're (visibly) blocked in, nothing can attack them from that direction.
maybe they are just seeing their own reflections. I dunno. My beardie does somethin like that too. She sees her reflection, bobs her head for a while, and loses interest. I wouldn't be worried though.