New Crested Mom

Discussion in 'Rhacodactylus (Crested) Geckos' started by acmajor, Jul 26, 2010.

  1. acmajor

    acmajor Embryo

    Hello! Need some advice. My boss' two girls (tweens) got 2 crested geckos about 6 months ago and have decided they're "too hard to care for" so I adopted them. Ive had iguanas and anoles and ball pythons but that was years ago. Apparently the crested is far different.
    So I read they will be fine at room temp and dont need a heat lamp or pad. The girls used to use a pad but the cage has a plastic bottom and it looks like part of the bottom of the cage was slightly singed so I took that away. Their cage is wire screen with a front swinging door.
    They have a water bowl which ive put a small amount of water so they dont drown. I'm feeding them the meal replacement powder mixed in with baby food bananas. Should I try to ween them off the bananas and start adding more and more water and only give the bananas as a treat? Do they have to have crickets? Ive read both. Do they eat every day or every other day? again ive read both.
    They have a fake leavy plant and a hiding spot and we're going to get them a couple of tall sticks to walk and climb on once we get to the pet store. (i just picked the little guys up yesterday).
    Im misting morning and night. is that enough?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Shanna66

    Shanna66 Well-Known Member

    I don't recommend a screen cage with them. Also don't mix the powder with the babyhood, oly do that as a treat. I feed mine everyday. I'm on vacation right now so their sitter is only feeding them every two days. Cresties are wonderful pets and I hope you enjoy them much more than your boss' kids did

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. acmajor

    acmajor Embryo

    how should I ween them off?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. StikyPaws312

    StikyPaws312 Moderator

    If they are over 6 months old they should be fine going "cold turkey"... once they figure it out that they are only going to get the plain CGD and Water they eventually get the hint.

    Also, you only have to spray their cage once a day usually (so it brings their humidity levels up to 80-90% for a while), but since you have a whole screen cage that doesn't hold humidity well you might want to either put in a larger water bowl (to add a little humidity all the time) or continue to spray in the morning and night. Your best bet would be to get a temp/humidity gauge with probe (the digital ones are usually $15-20 but they're awesome) and experiment. I say this b.c I live in a fairly humid environment (it was 70-90% humid all week last week, ugh my hair!) so I hardly sprayed my little guys but in the winter I spray twice a day.

    Have you figured out what sex they are yet? I once housed 2 males together their whole lives and they never fought but that was neither had ever seen a female... lol. Just be careful and know that if you have a male and male they will fight and or if you have a male and female you will have hatchlings...

    Good luck!

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