Behold. Jose on a STICK!! Here is a couple of YouTubes of him. . Only had him a few months. The vids are probably out of order but are a progression.
Thank you, he very much is. Got one question regarding UVB. I have a 2% bulb in there as to not burn the plants OR him given the closer proximity the 10g tank he's in now gives him to the light aftet the floor being raised up by the substrate. I only changed the tank aa couple days prior to shooting the vid; the floor of the tabk is actually about 5in higher than a bare tank floor. Should I put the 5% in there, or is the 2% safer given less UVB dispersion via distance to floor? I know some people use 10% for them, but I personally find that inappropriate given they are normally hiding in brush anyway, even with the flourescent bulbs mimicking the shade in natural sunlight. I mean it's a 10g, not a 40g.
No worries. And I don't think you would have a problem using just the 2% because of the super close proximity.... the only thing is I would be very careful and keep an eye on him for any sort of MBD.
Ok, thank you for that info. I dust his food every feeding to be sure; not certain if that is necessary, but I understand these little guys have really high metabolisms, and I'd imagine that means he processes everything quickly.