I’m looking for help in how to care for him. I know I’m not doing everything right and have a lot to learn so am reaching out for help to move forward in the right direction. Thanks! OWNER INFO Is this your first bearded dragon? **Yes What area are you located in? **Minnesota PERSONAL HISTORY (Dragon) Dragons name: **Norbert Age, weight and length if you know? **I think he is around 5 or 6 years old. Maybe older. 16 inches How long with you? **3 mnths What is his condition recently and if it changed, when? **He doesn’t move around a lot. Just sits in one place… He will only eat super worms. I put veggies in a bowl in his cage but he never eats them. Is he active, clear eyes and bright? **Not active, but his eyes seem normal Is the beard, chest or tail tip darker than the rest or than normal? **His beard has a darker tone to it Walking/moving normally? **When he walks it seems normal, but doesn’t walk very often Any physical features that do not appear normal? **no From Breeder or Pet Store? (this may make a difference) **original owner bought from PetCo Has he ever been treated by a vet, **no If yes, for what and what meds were used/dosed and time if know? Basking or sleeping during the day? **both Is he going to the bathroom, how often? **Once every couple days If not, when was the last time? Is it formed/normal or runny/smelly **formed Alone or with others? **Alone, I was told that they would fight if we added another one If with others, what sex"? Soaking or misting at all and how often? **He does soak in his water tub ENCLOSURE Set up info tank size? **40 gallons Temps -what do you use for heat? **We have a heat lamp and basking lamp Basking point? **The heat lamp and basking lamp are on one side of the cage Cool area? **the other side of the cage is cooler What are you measure it with? **we have a digital thermometer on the cool side that stays at about 74 degrees What Substrate? **Zilla Ground English Walnut Shells, original owner has been using this as long as she can remember UVB Lights type (detailed) what brand, model, and length or wattage is **110 watts, got from Pet Smart How old? **2 mnths, I was told to change every 6 mnths How close to UVB light when he bask? **He climbs up on his rock and can get about 9ish inches from it What hours for day/night? **it’s on from 8am to 8pm on a timer Do you use any type of nighttime heat, if so what? **Our heater stays on all night, basking bulb turns off at 8pm FOOD How is his appetite? IS there a change? **He will ONLY eat super worms. I have a bowl and he is offered veggies and some fruits but never eats them. We used to be able to put the super worms in a bowl and he would grab them with his tongue. Now it’s almost like he’s lost his sense of depth. He tries so hard to grab them but will miss them or hit the side of his bowl. I bought bamboo tongs from the pet store and have been feeding him daily but am not sure how many to feed him. He doesn’t seem blind because he can take them off the tongs but maybe losing sight?? What size, kind and how many/much insects does he eat daily? **I was told he used to love crickets, but now won’t eat them. I don’t think he can catch them. I’ve put some in his cage and they will sit on him. What do you feed the insects normally? Is the dragon eating greens/veggies? **I have a bowl and he is offered veggies and some fruits but never eats them. What and how much? Supplements? **none What kind of calcium/how often? What kind of vitamins how often How are these given to him?