hey i was wondering if i could feed my brand new anole mealworms or sumthing other than crickets cuz crickets die very fast. :roll:
Mealworms arent a good source of nutrition. Their skin is full of Chitin which is hard to digest. Try small roaches or leafhoppers. Flies are also good as long as they dont have any harmful diseases or pesticides.
plmarsq8 is correct about the mealworms. They are not a good food choice for anoles. Crickets are most probably the best in terms of feeding your anole. Just make sure you keep the crickets at room temp and have bedding for them to eat and a food source, such as a slice of carrot, potatoe etc. If you are in the USA, ignore this but over here in the UK, locusts can be purchased as live food in different sizes, and you could feed the small ones. Like i said though, if you are in the USA ignore that because i know that feeding locusts is illegal. Luke
i feed my anoles mealworms but i put a powderd nutritional stuff and some time i feed them a crickets so will this be ok feeding mealworms some day crickets other day i realy like my anoles annd dont wont there food to be what kills them
Fruit flies are a good alternative but should not be a staple, you should try to give as much variety as possible