For the past few days, I've noticed that Cammy *who IS, for certain, female* has two smallish bumps on either side of the posterior end of her abdomen, one on each side, near the spine. Not enormous lumps, but big enough to be noticed. Whether or not they are fertile, we'll have to wait and see. However, just in case they are, I have placed the main plant in the cage into a medium-sized container of damp vermiculite. I'll be checking it as soon as the bumps disappear. Wish me luck! P.S. I've had them in a cage together for three months and three days now. It wouldn't surprise me if they've mated already. If they haven't... they sure are slow about it... lol.
Okay, now that the forums are back up, i feel like celebrating. WE HAVE AN EGG, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!... and lizards that happen to be surfing the internet. Looks like I'm gonna have to get on the phone and start searching for pinheads
lol Well, I knew that Cammy was gravid, judging from the bulge in her abdomen. I had "planted" the fake tree in a huge tray of damp vermiculite, so I just pulled the whole thing out and gently dug through it. Eventually, I found it right by the edge. "It was in the last place I looked."
And there's the new egg. Well, okay, so it's still inside Cammy. But it's developing. She has a definite bulge in her abdomen. Judging from the fact that she's pretty small, I think she's only going to make one egg per "session." From what I've read *and I've read a LOT*, making two eggs at a time is pretty rare. For a green anole, anyway. Question: After this breeding season is over, how can I make sure they don't breed during the next breeding seasons?
2 can be rare for a young anole... but for a fully grown adult female (2 years old or more) 2's pretty much the norm from what I've read. I know this is certainly true of the browns. Maybe it's different with the greens, but I've not heard that. I do know that three in one clutch for either browns or greens is VERY rare (and often fatal - as it was for one of ours).
Hey Axe, I was just at the old PH33RDYNDNSORG site, checking out stuff, when I came across Unity. Are you going to try that again?
I'm really not sure to be honest... We don't have the anoles right now. I was thinking about setting up a big tropical display enclosure with anoles n' whatnot running around... so maybe in the future sometime, but there's no set plans. Right now I'm figuring out how I can turn a 20 gallon long into a nice tropical land enclosure for some ringnecks. Get a little waterfall and stream going. Plenty of places to hide, etc (as well as the hamster cages, heh).
Turns out the first egg was infertile. However, now it makes more sense than before I knew that this egg was infertile. Before the first egg, I saw no folded skin on Cammy's neck, which would indicate mating. However, when I saw them mate, Cammy had pinched skin on her neck for days. This means I don't need to worry about Dezzy "oversexing" Cammy. It seems that what I saw was their "first time. Still, I reserve the right to be an impatient "parent." So, and