hi this is keith.I am woundering if any body come across the same problem i have right now?My beardie jsut laid her first clutch and 9 of her eggs are stuck together.I can't get them apart.Is there anything i can do or must i just keep an eye on them in the incubator?Thanks keith.
When they lay eggs they are stuck together most of the time. Just leave them how they are or you will damage them. They are fine. I get it all the time with my reptiles.
hi this is keith thank you very much for the reply.I was also told to watch it closely because if one goes bad then it will take out the whole clutch.is that true?
Yes, you do have to keep a close eye on them as if one does go bad then you have to remove it ASAP or they will all turn. But you must be careful in removing any as not to damage the good ones.
thank you natashacollins for all your help i appreciate it.I had 2 eggs go bad which i was expecting they were not good to begin with.I care fully removed it and so far it is going great.I have ?for you thuogh i see you have gecko as pics do you raise beardies and geckos or just beardies? thANK YOU AGAIN KEITH
I have a range of reptiles. I have 2 leos, 2 boscs (savans), 2 eyed lizards, 1 beardie, 1 giant butterfly lizard, 1 blue tongue skink and now a water dragon too. I am breeding my eyeds and savanas. Cross fingers I get eggs.
hi this is keith.That is really cool i have 12 beardies and i have 100 sandfish on there way and 6 leopard torts. on there way to.I also have 2 eastern mud turtles and 1 madigascar slider .These are the family pets i would love to see a pictures of your buterfly lizard i have never seen one before.well thanks for reply and have a good one.