Quick question

Discussion in 'General Snakes' started by bama, Apr 28, 2010.

  1. bama

    bama Embryo

    First post! hi!

    If a snake specificly colubrid where to escape its tank/bin how far would it usally go? As in would it more than likely stay in the same room or go about the house?


    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Belletair

    Belletair New Member

    He'd go wherever he could go. If there's an opening in the room, chances are he'll leave and explore/try to escape.

    Only reason I can think of that would cause a snake to stick around it's cage would be heat... but unless the temp drop is drastic, that really shouldn't matter to a fella who just "broke out". :)

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. mango95

    mango95 New Member

    When my snake escaped, i found it sticking out of a crack in the floor. They usually follow the walls so look near your walls. Also look in warm, secluded, and dark spots such as under washing machines, refrigerators, under couches, beds, and even in clumps of clothes if you left some on the floor. They could even be hiding in your shoes that you placed near the door. They can get anywhere and they can get there fast. They usually head downwards such as in basements. If you are not sure what room he went in, leave baking soda (a line of it) right in front of your doors and watch the powder every few hours to see if he slithered into or out of that room. Also, leave clumped up newspapers on the side of your walls because since they slither as close to the walls as they can get, you might hear the paper crinkle in the middle of the night! You can also leave soda bottle traps ( http://www.ehow.com/how_5553566_make-bottle-trap-snake.html ). This will lure your snake so he could get his favorite treat. Good luck!

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