She got me!

Discussion in 'Ball Pythons' started by EmilyL, Jan 4, 2007.

  1. spooky326

    spooky326 New Member

    congrats on your first bite! i have been nailed twice so far. one was from my adult female BP when i reached into her cage to get her out i must have startled her and she struck. it didnt hurt and didnt bleed but a few drops, i think she was just startled and struck to tell me something cause she didnt latch on. the second one was from a baby ball python that i used to have (had past away sometime ago for unknown reasons) when i was getting her out of the styrofoam cooler that i feed all my snakes in. before i reached in i sanatized my hands to rid myself of the smell of food but she got me anyway. oh well i guess it just comes with the territory.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. diablo17

    diablo17 Member

    to me unless you're dealing with really big snakes (as in red-tails, retics, burmese, etc) it seems kinda mean to squirt a snake in the face for a bite. when it comes down to it a bite is basically just a small misunderstanding. if it isn't a dangerously large** snake i don't think discliplinary tactics are neccesary.

    **with the term "dangerously large" i'm not implying that the large snakes are "dangerous", i just mean a snake large enough that if it does attack it can be dangerous.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. DJSlurp1200

    DJSlurp1200 Embryo

    Well...I've had a total of probably 15 ball pythons and have only been bit once and it was really my fualt. It was a hatchling that i had just taken home the day before and I didn't give it enough acclimation time before " I had to" pick it up. LOL... needless to say it barely even broke the skin... looked like just a couple tiny tiny red dots.

    Your right though... It's more so watching it strike at you that get ya, rather than the actual bite itself..

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