Hey guys I'm new here and my beardie is sick. I was hoping someone could help me out. I have a vet appt for her on friday. Her tail is basically dead! I thought it was just shedding but I gave her a bath today and noticed that its black and hard, not the whole thing only about a third of it. Any clues?
Without seeing pictures I may be wrong but it sounds like necrotic tissue. A spot like that on the tail could have been caused by a shed not coming off and cutting circulation off to the rest of the tail or an injury that had become infected. A vet may amputate the tail right above the dead tissue and the beardie will be good to go. The vet will also probably tell you to keep the dragon separate from others, on paper towel, and treat the stump with neosporin until the stump heals.
Thanks for everything, the vet said that since she has no other symptoms it is most likely from a contusion. I think it got smashed when she dug under her hide box, little devil. But luckily it will fall off on its own and I have some creamy stuff to put on it, yuck but I'm glad she in good health
Well, I have to say that it may fall off on it's own, but the necrosis can spread. That's why usually they nip it off. Just watch for any spreading!!!!!! Good luck!
the vet said something must have smooshed it at some point to cause the problem, it doen't look or act anything like necrosis. But just in case I marked it with a sharpie to check for spreading!
thanks! She's eating real well and the tail doens't seem to bother her at all, she's also been waving like crazy