
Discussion in 'Reptile Law & Legislation' started by FloJoe, Apr 18, 2007.

  1. FloJoe

    FloJoe Embryo

    I moved recently from Germany to Singapore and had to find out that it is illegal to keep reptiles in Singapore. It was my everlasting dream to have a dragon or an anolis in my home. Therefore I did some research and came finally to this forum where I could read that some of you have reptiles here in Singapore (as I can remember was his nickname "j3t4dor3" for example). I try to find out if I can get a supplier address of one of the illegal reptile shops or if anybody can help me how they get those reptiles into Singapore? Just by ordering them?
    Before I want to get some of my lovelies I would like to guaranty that I can get all for them, either by online orderings or through the blackmarket. But so far I have no contacts. Does anybody has something for me? If nobody wants to post then just leave me an email and we can hold this conversation by email / chat or phone. Thank you so much!

    By the way the fee for getting caught for the first time for holding reptiles in Singapore is S$500. A fish shop seller told me... furthermore he told me that there are illegal shops in Singapore, but he refused to tell me more. =) **understandable**

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