My beardy is 4 months and 12 inches long. He just shed and the new skin is nice and bright but it folds on the sides and is really dry and rough. Is that anything to worry about? He is very active and eating really well and pooping fine also.
We usually give ours a soak every couple of days while they're shedding. This helps to keep the skin soft, and don't worry about the skin wrinkling a lil, they'll grow into it :lol:
The reason that I was asking is because I ran into a dragon that had a bad case of yellow fungus and I remember his skin folding and being really dry the same way mine is right now. And I also heard that it could be dehydration but I'm just being careful by asking. Thanx again.
What are the signs of dehydration? I'm new to beardies, my last pet was a tegu which were a bit different to care for. The lady at my local pet store told me that there would be no need to mist them (the beardies) but he doesn't appear to drink any water so I was worried he may get dehydrated. I'm going to soak him today just in case.