Spot on my RTB? Any idea what it is?

Discussion in 'Boas' started by iluvmyboa89, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. iluvmyboa89

    iluvmyboa89 Embryo

    I have a beautiful Columbian Red Tail Boa. I have 2 questions, I would appreciate your advice.

    1st question: My boa will be 2 years old May 5..we measured her yesterday and she was (as far as we could tell) around 3ft. 1 this a normal length for her age? Also could anyone tell me the approx. thickness they should be at this age and lenght? Thanks!

    2nd question:My boa has 2 little marks on her..almost like a few scales have come off..we've checked her and she is mite free...she also sheds very well! She can't get to her lamp for it to burn her. There is nothing on her cage that she could have scraped herself on so I am at a loss as to what this might be. We have been putting some medicine on her for abrasions and cuts and burns on her. They are very tiny spots. She doesn't act like these places hurt when we touch them...actually acts like it doesn't bother her at all. Does anybody know what might have caused this?

    Thanks in advance for the help!!

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Belletair

    Belletair New Member

    Is the snake a male or female (I believe it's a "she" from your post, but just want to make sure)? And when you say Columbian Red Tail, is it a boa like what you'd buy at a pet store? Or something more exotic? Believe it or not the locales of these snakes greatly effect their size and color.

    Regardless, it's tough to tell what's a "normal" size for a boa. Some will be small for life. There have been adults around 4', and then some around 10'... and of the same locale (feeding greatly changes a snake's size). A pic would be great to see if she's the right size/healthy. :)

    As for the marks, it could be she just lost a scale or two during her last shed. It happens on occasion. Are the marks indentations, or just different colors? Could possibly just be some dark colored scales. Again, a pic would be helpful. :)

    As long as you're sure there are no mites, and if the boa is showing no signs of irritation it's probably nothing (or maybe just a scale or two that she lost).

    Hope that helps.

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