Substrate 101

Discussion in 'Monitors & Tegus' started by Varanus99, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Varanus99

    Varanus99 New Member

    Hey everybody.

    I've gotten a few PMs about substrates for monitors. There seems to be some confusion here. Recently I've been using a mix which is working great and I thought I'd explain for the new keepers. Or the old keepers who want to try something new. I've talked about this before but though I would make a post on it with more detail.

    I've used all sorts of stuff but right now Im using a topsoil/sand/vermiculite mix at a 50/25/25 ratio. I got the idea from Pro Exotics and its working great.

    Now, this is not the ONLY type of dirt/mix you can use. But it's simple, easy to find and it works. So for those too lazy to go dirt hunting out in the wild or arent really in the mood to have a few tons dropped on your porch from a landscaping supply here we go.

    Everything can be found at Home Depot, garden supply, etc. I go with an organic topsoil. Try to get one without any fertilizers or additives if you can. Since its basically just dirt its gonna have some junk in it. Sticks and pebbles and such. I use a hardwire screen and sift it through that. I just place the screen over a big plastic tub, dump the topsoil and push it through the screen. What you get is a very fine, clean dirt so to speak. It also breaks up the clumps which makes it easier to mix. You dont absolutely HAVE to do this but I love the consistency of the screened dirt. The sticks and pebbles wont hurt the lizard but what Im trying to do is create a burrowing medium that is as ideal as possible since the monitors dont have a choice where the dig. In the wild if they came upon a section of earth loaded with junk they could just go some where else. In captivity I cant do that so I like pretty dirt. You'll be surprised how much junk you pull out of a bag!

    Ok now you got your dirt. Next is sand. I use playsand since it is washed, dried and fine. Finally vermiculite. This stuff helps holds moisture and makes the mix lighter and fluffy.LOL!

    I fill a five gallon bucket with dirt and just count how many buckets I used depending how large a cage Im filling. Then Ill just add enough of the other stuff based on how many buckets I used. So if I used 4 buckets of topsoil that would get one bucket of sand and verm or 25%. You get the idea. You dont have to be exact just get close.

    Now you gotta mix. And mix. And mix some more. You really want this well blended. Once you got it all mixed up its time to add some water. This is tricky. You dont it too dry but you dont want to turn it into mud so I add a little at a time. What you're going for is if you grab a handful of mix and squeeze it in your fist it should clump but no water should come out. Thats just about right. Or you could be goofy like me and make a test burrow with your finger and see if it holds. :)

    You will have to add water periodically to the mix to maintain proper moisture levels. How much and how often with depend on your cage. If your cage has a lot of ventilation especially at the top you will have to add water more often. If its more closed, you guessed it, less often. Just dont let it dry out completely and turn into a desert.

    And here's the big question. Do the monitors use it? Mine do. They all do. If yours do then great. If they dont then you have to try something else. No matter what substrate you use if they dont use the stuff its not serving its purpose. The Kimberlys were the fussiest. Even they use this mix. Oh and you should see the ackies. They are going nuts. I have no idea where they are half the time.

    Again, let me be very clear I am not suggesting this is the one and only mostest bestest substrate on earth. But its cheap, easily obtainable and it works. I still need to make a trip over to the landscaping supply as I hear they have mountains of all sorts of soil. If I find something better Ill use it for sure. But for the time being this mix is going great.

    Geez, monitors make you a little crazy. Im obessed with dirt! My girlfriend gets a kick out of it when we're driving and Ill notice a construction site with a mountain of nice lookin dirt or if I stop to grab a cool piece of wood on the side of the road. Hey, it's all part of the fun.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Razaiel

    Razaiel New Member

    Great post :) and nothing like the weekly or so maintenance when you get to add more water and can dig right into with your hands and get into a lovely mess. I spend the next day or two sitting on my hands my work colleagues must think I love gardening ;)

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