Tortoise's Growling & Sneezing question

Discussion in 'Tortoises' started by xelloss100, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. xelloss100

    xelloss100 Embryo

    Hi There!

    I was just wondering... my tortoise sometimes growls or pushes air trough her nose like she was trying to clear her nose and/or throat (the latter sounds like a sneeze)... I'm not watching it all the time but I don't think she opens her mouth to do it... I'm not completely sure though...

    Is it normal? It's not really constant maybe a couple of times a day... sometimes she does it a couple of times and then nothing for hours or the entire day... but when I listen to it I kinda get worried... She hurt her shell due a calcium deficiency for putting eggs, not too bad, the vet said it was superficial, not normal but common, equivalent of loosing a nail for a human, and that her shell was still strong, but I'm giving her calcium with her food to help her heal like he said... so I worry about her a lot...

    Any help would be welcomed....



    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. Rick78

    Rick78 New Member

    Possible respiratory infection? Might wanna have the vet look at it again.

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