
Discussion in 'Treefrogs' started by leodeal384, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. leodeal384

    leodeal384 Member

    Ok well I know it isn't good to take wild animals from the wild, but what about their tadpoles? I live in Florida and every year we always get some in our pool or in part of the gutter. I always just fill one of those baby pools and let them grow up in there until they turn into frogs and hop out. I was wondering if it would be ok to try and keep a few next time. I know its still out of the wild, but would the frog know? I have plenty of room and time to keep them when they grow up too.

    JEFFREH Administrator

  3. nuggular

    nuggular Well-Known Member

    I would say this,

    There are many frog species just disapearing now days due to habitat loss. Just because the frogs are abundant in your area doesnt mean they are everywhere else. We loose species of frogs all the time and it is getting worse because of human overpopulation. We are destroying there homes. So I would say no, it is not a good idea to take them from the wild, even if it is a tadpole. You are taking away the chances of that frog surviving and reproducing to help its population. There are plenty of pet stores and online stores to get tree frogs from that have been captive breed. So if you want a tree frog so bad, just go purchase one.


    JEFFREH Administrator

  5. Jtoad

    Jtoad New Member

    I agree just purchase one if you want it so bad

    JEFFREH Administrator

  7. Froggy

    Froggy Member

    What if leodeal just kept them until they grew into frogs? That would increase survival rate among the new frogs. I have tons of American toads around my house and I always take them from a spot loaded with eggs. A week later their home dries up because of a drought here. I keep them in a mini pond so they can come and go as they please. Is that OK?

    JEFFREH Administrator

  9. reako45

    reako45 Member

    It seems there are, and always will be 2 sides to the debate on whether or not WC herps should be kept as pets. I guess @ 1 point all the herp species that are CB in the pet store had to originate from WC progenitors. From what I've read/heard there are some herp species that are WC being sold in the pet trade. Many of your more popular arboreal gecko species (Tokay, Golden, Skunk) are WC when sold.


    JEFFREH Administrator

  11. leodeal384

    leodeal384 Member

    Yeah i guess I will just keep them until they get big enough to get out of the little pool like they always do. We have a ton of treefrogs around here too. We have Green, Grey, Barking and Cuban...and probably a lot more I'm forgetting. I didn't say I wanted one bad, I just think it would be nice challenge to try something different. Anyways, I am getting more leopard geckos that are going to take more of my time.
  12. jami

    jami Member

    i have 4 copes tree frogs 4 leopard frogs and a wood frog (did alwo have 6 bull frogs) all of which i got from the wild at work and have had tehm for months and they are just fine churping etc (btw the bull frogs stunk and i didnt like them too plain so i set them back where i got them) as a matter of fact they are getting a little too fine (fat LITTLE being the operative word) i think if you can make a habitate not a cage then you are good thats what i did the copes was easy the others little more work (all my copes came off of windows*S* but i have the little tree like thing and dirt and moss and a water dish and give them crickets with vitamins etc and they are fine
  13. nuggular

    nuggular Well-Known Member

    Did you not read the above post. It doesnt matter if they are doing ok with you or not. The fact that you took them from the wild is what is bad. Frog populations all around the world are declining and you arent helping by taking them from the wild. Go to a pet store for christ sake.
  14. mhwc56

    mhwc56 New Member

    I don't understand why you're so upset with Leodeal .Native amphibians have a better chance of survival when young if they are protected in their environments.They will make it to adulthood if the person is consciencious in caring for them.
    People who raise reptiles catch treefrogs all the time in huge quantities to feed to their pets( no I absolutely DO not agree with this).
    You would do well to snarl at them.
  15. nuggular

    nuggular Well-Known Member

    I wasnt directing that at Leodeal. It was directed at jami, for good reason. Here is his post asking about feeding for the frogs he took from the wild.

    Jami wrote:
    I have 4 copes a wood frog and 4 or 5 leopard frogs. My copes seem to be getting fat i did get them from the wild but how often should i feed them? i feed them every morning and leave a couple (in a 10 gallon tank) for them to feed on when they want without being biten. my wood and leopards seem to be doing well though the wood is starting to thicken up

    If you dont even know how to care for the animal, why take it from the wild and risk its life.
  16. mhwc56

    mhwc56 New Member

    sorry for the misunderstanding.
    Definitely agree that if you don't know what you are doing you should leave well enough alone!
    Once again I apologize .
  17. nuggular

    nuggular Well-Known Member

    no prob man.

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